
Welcome to Kelly’s E-Learning Portfolio/Kelly's Ink.

This blog is an on-going development representing my continued education and experience in the E-Learning arena. Please free to review my site and comment. All help and guidance is always welcome and appreciated!

This blog is also an on-going discussion of my personal business, Kelly's Ink. A resume writing service, which I have found to be personally and professionally rewarding. I am so happy to be able to help people during these troubled times.

Thank you.

Theresa Kelly

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

School Bus Educational Video Evaluation

Bus Safety Evacuation and Rules
Bubbly Productions

School Bus Educational SafetyVideo

I have chosen a very fun, creative, and informative video by Bubbly Productions which teaches kids school bus evacuation and safety rules. I evaluated the video based on the objective being taught and video’s production aspects.

Organization and Content: I found the information presented is very clear and is easily understood.

  • The stars of the video talk about each aspect of safety while actively showing the students the correct process and action.
  • The information is effectively taught both verbally and visually.
  • The safety rules are also presented in a logical order, in sequence of events which correspond with the actions a student would take when entering, riding, and leaving the bus.
  • The video also shows the students actively participating in a Do-Type activity. They are absorbing the information, and demonstrating their knowledge by their actions.
  • There are simulations of breaking the rules, teaching the correct action, reinforcement from the teacher of the correct activity, and highlighted text of those rules are visually displayed.
  • The teacher also summarized and reinforces the importance of the safety rules.

Video Production: In reviewing the video for its production value, I found they did a very good job in producing the video short.

  • The actors are age appropriate for their roles. Very effective in addressing the targeted audience.
  • The camera work is good. The frames are clearly focused and steady, which is especially good, considering here is a lot of activity with the actors/extras, and the variety of locations (in and around the bus).
  • The scenes are well laid out and are presented in a cohesive and purposeful sequence.
  • Timing of the scenes transitions appear to be seamless to the viewer.
  • The lighting was excellent for the interior shots of the bus. They choose a bright, sunny day, which also went well with the upbeat theme. It is easy for the viewer to see the activity in the bus.
  • The audio is clear, the music is in sync with the activities, and appropriate for the audience.

In conclusion, though I am sure I could make more comments about the quality or improvements that could be made to this video. The content and activity is cleverly designed to teach the students about safety in such a fun way; they may not realize just how much they have learned. I think the production was successful in meeting of their objective more than meet my expectations. Great job!

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