
Welcome to Kelly’s E-Learning Portfolio/Kelly's Ink.

This blog is an on-going development representing my continued education and experience in the E-Learning arena. Please free to review my site and comment. All help and guidance is always welcome and appreciated!

This blog is also an on-going discussion of my personal business, Kelly's Ink. A resume writing service, which I have found to be personally and professionally rewarding. I am so happy to be able to help people during these troubled times.

Thank you.

Theresa Kelly

Friday, December 3, 2010

Wahoo! I was just accepted in to the program, University of Illinois, Master’s degree in education with an e-learning concentration. The program is a totally dedicated online learning platform. Next week, 12/2010, I will have completed my first two classes and happy to say, I am learning so much.

I am not a teacher by trade or education, but I am a teacher naturally. Often helping people with whatever their needs or wants. I am a go-to person. I believe this program will go along way to help me prepare to develop and teach programs, something which I truly enjoy. Look fabulous on the resume too :-).

Working as a team, on-line, via the internet, e-mail, conference calls, Skype, etc…. has been an experience which relates directly to how the business world is evolving in their communications. I have seen how business travel has cut down significantly due to the recession and alternative ways of communications have emerged in the office. While there will always be a need to meet face to face, we are now getting by on video conferencing, teleconferencing, and emails. Even Oprah is Skyping now.

It has been interesting to me, discovering that the personality traits, drive, emotions, personal needs, management styles etc… still emerge and are prominent in the discussions and the work flow, as if you were face to face. The trick is to make sure you are not lost in the communication haze and are able to accomplish your objective in a professional and ethical way.

Working with people is ultimately the same, whether you are on video or face-to-face. Just harder if the communication is one-sided. Even that happens when working in a team face-to-face. Not everyone pulls their weight or is effective in what their contributions are. You may have to pick up the slack whether you want to or not, so the work is done.

So, as I go forward with this program, I have to keep in mind all those communications nuances that can make or break your success. So my mantra should be: Theresa, be strong, stand up for yourself, learn lots, and most importantly enjoy.

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