
Welcome to Kelly’s E-Learning Portfolio/Kelly's Ink.

This blog is an on-going development representing my continued education and experience in the E-Learning arena. Please free to review my site and comment. All help and guidance is always welcome and appreciated!

This blog is also an on-going discussion of my personal business, Kelly's Ink. A resume writing service, which I have found to be personally and professionally rewarding. I am so happy to be able to help people during these troubled times.

Thank you.

Theresa Kelly

Kelly's Ink - Professional Resume Service

I have been successfully writing resumes and accompanying documents for about five years.  I found that it is very hard for people to truly represent all the great work they have done in their resumes.  They don’t give themselves credit, where credit is deserved.

I just love writing resumes, as it has given me an opportunity to learn about a host of careers/jobs I would have never thought of.  Interviewing people and see the surprise and happiness on their face (or in their voice), when I tell them a situation they worked is valuable and should be in their history. 

During this very harsh recession, it has been particularly hard for the underemployed and unemployed people to feel confident that their resume truly represents them and is an effective tool in helping them get a job.  It’s tough out there and I should know.  Having been laid off after eight years of dedicated work, I can truly empathize with the people that are displaced or have had to settle for jobs in order to survive.

I am very happy that I am helping people get through the resume software scanners and the myriad of obstacles they must face, just to post their resume. 

Most importantly, the most rewarding experience is when I hear from a client, “I got the interview!” or “I got the job!” So if you would like some help with your resume or some advice about current trends, please feel free to let me know.  I will do my best to help you.

Theresa Kelly