
Welcome to Kelly’s E-Learning Portfolio/Kelly's Ink.

This blog is an on-going development representing my continued education and experience in the E-Learning arena. Please free to review my site and comment. All help and guidance is always welcome and appreciated!

This blog is also an on-going discussion of my personal business, Kelly's Ink. A resume writing service, which I have found to be personally and professionally rewarding. I am so happy to be able to help people during these troubled times.

Thank you.

Theresa Kelly

Project - ELearning Module, How to Travel Efficiently, The Business Section

This is a sample of my very first Elearning module; a team project for my first class at University of Illinois.  The e-learning module is called, “How to Travel Efficiently.”.  It is a collaborative effort, as a whole, but each of the team members’ has written their own section.  Though I had input on common pages, I wrote the section focused on the business traveler.  I hope you enjoy and find the module helpful.

I have attached the design document, which is a map of what the modules content is, the expected outcome from various tests and feedback, and a step-by-step table of each page development requirements.  It's very dry reading, but if you were to design your own module, this is your "business plan".  To be successful, for the most part, you need a plan.  (attachment pending - I have to figure out how to attached a word document). 

Please click on the attached link to view the module, "How to Trevel Efficiently".  Well the link doesn't work either, so I have to find out how to do that also.  One thing about me is, I will find out!
